
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Make Money With Mailing List | Page 6

Your Mailing List Profits Plan

Of the following profit centers we have discussed earlier:

• Profit Center #1: One Time Offer

• Profit Center #2: Advertisements and Recommendations in Your Free Viral Report

• Profit Center #3: Back-end Links in Your Thank You Page

• Profit Center #4: Links in Your E-zine Issues

• Profit Center #5: Sending Your Endorsement E-mail Messages

• Profit Center #6: Selling Advertising Space in Your E-zine

You have to decide which profit center you want to build into your E-zine.

Note that you do not necessarily have to include ALL of the above mentioned profit centers although the more profit centers you build into your E-zine, the more chances you can get in making your money.

In this guide, I describe to you step-by-step on how you can create and run your own E-zine with all of the above mentioned profit centers incorporated into your E-zine.
Mailing List Profits Plan Overview (Lead Capture Page)
Mailing List Profits Plan Overview (E-zine Issue)

• Your Subscriber Base – Quality vs. Quantity

This is the age-old battle question that has been ongoing for as long as every Internet Marketer can remember.

Is it the size of your subscriber base or is it its quality that matters?

If you would ask me, I would say that both of the factors really matter just equally.

Having a mailing list without either one of the criteria is not going to make you and your Internet Business profitable.

You may have a list of 100,000 subscribers but if hardly anyone of them even reads your endorsement letters let alone purchasing any product or service from you, you would be broke.

Or you may have a list of 100 subscribers but most of them are responsive to your offers and that they buy from you.

However, you wish that the list could have been bigger with the same subscriber quality.

While you do not necessarily have to build your subscriber base in six figures, building a mailing list of your own with at least 1,000 to 30,000 subscribers, well harnessed and responsive, can spell profits for you.

• Establishing Your Credibility and Building Relationship with Your Prospects

There is a big possibility that your subscribers do not know you.

If you are brand new to Internet Business, establishing your credibility should be one of your top priorities. People prefer to buy from someone they like and trust.

Let that person be YOU! Another school of thought says that people like people who are like themselves.

I guess that is how the saying “birds of a feather flock together” came about.

I tend to agree with them especially when it comes to cultivating your own mailing list.

Injecting your personality into your E-mails and E-zine issues is a sure way of bridging yourself to your subscriber to share what you both have in common and that your subscriber knows that you really care for his needs.

More on building your relationship with your prospects later.

Page 7 | Decide on the Theme of Your E-zine

Make Money With Mailing List | Page 5

What You Will Need

Mailing List
•You will need the following to get started:

1. A huge collection of information on a topic of your choice such as short stories, snippets, tips, lessons, mini courses, etc.

2. Auto Responder with Broadcast feature where you can easily manage your own mailing list and send E-mails to your subscribers.

Recommended Resources

• For only $19.95/month, you get to open an unlimited number of Auto Responders of your own.

In addition, aWeber has good features you can conveniently use to manage your subscriber base and send E-mails to your subscribers.

3. Web Hosting with Domain Name where you have your potential subscribers come to visit your lead capture page.

Recommended Resources

• Get your own domain name for a low fee of only $8.10/year.

• If you want to go for free web hosting with very basic features, this option is for you. Unlike most free web hosting services, you would not find any banners on your web pages.

• I recommend this solution if you want to get practically all the things you need such as domain name, web hosting, auto responder, broadcast, and other necessary tools you need in one place at one low monthly fee.

In addition, there are no technical, programming or designing skills required on your part as this is truly a unique Internet application worth using.

4. A free report which you can call your own for viral marketing and credibility proving purposes.

5. A credit card payment processor to process credit card transactions when sales are made.

Recommended Resources

• PayPal – Getting an account with PayPal is free. By far one of the most used Credit Card Payment Processor on the Internet.

Page 6 | Your Mailing List Profits Plan

Monday, April 28, 2014

Make Money With Mailing List | Page 4

Count Your Profit Centers

•You want to make money with every chance possible from your mailing list, from the time your visitor goes to your Lead Capture Page until he stays subscribed to your E-zine. Here are how you can make money from the following ways:

Make Money With Mailing List | Page 4
•Profit Center #1: One Time Offer

When your subscriber fills in the opt-in form to join your mailing list and get your free report, he will first see your One Time Offer page (like the example below) before downloading your free report.

Your One Time Offer is a sales letter which your subscriber, now your prospect, will see, with the context that this special offer is made available to him only once.

Give a quality One Time Offer to couple with a sales letter with a good conversion rate and you can cash in on your prospects immediately upon signing up!
•Profit Center #2: Advertisements and Recommendations in Your Free Viral Report

Giving something away for free (e.g. a free report of your own) allows you to prove your credibility to your subscribers and gives them an incentive for subscribing to your E-zine.

In your report, you can include both your own links and affiliate links in the form of your recommendations or advertisements.
•Case Study: 3 Steps to Profiting From Your Resell Rights Business

Encourage your readers to give away your free report, allowing your report to reach many PCs like a “virus” throughout the Internet without any effort on your part.
•Profit Center #3: Back-end Links in Your Thank You Page

After your subscriber has signed up for your E-zine, he will be automatically redirected to your Thank You Page where he can download your free report.

In your Thank You page, you notify your subscriber that a confirmation mail will reach his Inbox soon and that he can download your free report.

While waiting for the confirmation mail, your subscriber can click on any of your links that might interest him.

If your subscriber is not interested in your One Time Offer, he might be interested in visiting your links to other sales letters.
•Profit Center #4: Links in Your E-zine Issues

In every E-zine issue you send to your subscribers, ensure that you have your own resource box attached.

Your resource box can look like the following:

Insert Your Resource Box here (55 characters per line, 4 lines)

Link 1:

Link 2:

Link 3:
•Profit Center #5: Sending Your Endorsement E-mail Messages

The bigger and more responsive your list is towards your E-mails, the more money you can make per endorsement E-mail sent out to your subscribers.
•Profit Center #6: Selling Advertising Space in Your E-zine

Once you have achieved a minimum of 1,000 subscribers, you can consider the option of selling advertising space in your E-zine to potential advertisers.

Each of the above profit centers will be covered in detail.

However, you will notice that the Profit Centers will not be covered in sequence throughout this guide.

But this means nothing more than my wish to preserve the association of the Profit Center with its original allocated number.

Page 5 | What You Will Need

Make Money With Mailing List | Page 3

The Concept

The Concept Mailing List
•You must have a huge collection of information on a certain subject before starting your own E-zine.

You can share mini tips, short stories, lessons, mini courses, or snippets on any topic of your choice with your subscribers.

You dispense bits of information to your subscribers on a periodical basis (preferably as regular as once a week) through E-mail.

Cost of joining your E-zine on the part of your subscribers is zero.
Preferably, the information you send to your subscribers are non-time sensitive, allowing you to compose your E-zine issues in advance.

For instance, you can compile 30 issues in a day and send each issue every week.

This means that you have just compiled content for 30 weeks in one day!

This would have been impossible to do if you are sharing time-sensitive information such as the latest natural disaster, celebrity news, etc.

Page 4 | Count Your Profit Centers

Make Money With Mailing List | Page 2

Why Have a Mailing List?

Why Have a Mailing List
•Before anything else, it is important for you to have good reasons to have your own mailing list in the first place. Consider the following:

If you join a Network Marketing company, your upline would require you to write a list of 100 names of people whom you know.
The people you know are your prospects because they might be interested in becoming a consumer or starting their own Network Marketing business like you.

If you own a Conventional B2B Business, your target prospects are other businesses, and their information and contact details are likely to be found in the Yellow Pages or telephone directories.
Thus the information found in Yellow Pages and the telephone directories are your list of prospects.
•So, why have your own mailing list?
Because that is where your potential customers are!

The common mantra that most other Internet Marketers follow is “The money is in the list” and I tend to agree with them.
Of course, that is often true only if you harness your mailing list well and that your subscribers are responsive in the sense that they do bother reading your mails every time you send a broadcast to your mailing list.
How responsive your mailing list subscribers are depends on how well you develop your relationship with them and how much you understand who your prospects are.
Otherwise, don’t hope on cashing in onto your mailing list!
Regardless of what kind of Internet Business you are starting, having your own mailing list is a must. No exceptions.
I am aware that there are JV brokers who are making money simply by making successful Joint Venture deals between the product creators and E-zine publishers without having to have their own mailing list. But then,

having your own mailing list gives you tremendous advantages that both JV brokers and product creators do not have.

For one, whenever you have a product or service you either own or are an affiliate for, you would not have to look further than your own mailing list thus you can be in profit within hours from the time you send out your endorsement letters.
Make Money With Mailing List
• The bigger and more responsive your Mailing list is, the more sales you will make and in a shorter period of time.

Secondly, having your own mailing list is more important than just having your own product. Even if you do not own your own product, you can still be an affiliate or Joint Venture for other people’s products.

For the third and most important reason: 
having your own mailing list gives you the opportunity to first prove your credibility to your subscribers through what you have to share with them in your E-zine! Now that we have established that your mailing list is an asset worth creating, you will also come to learn that…
•Your E-zine vs. the Newspaper Company
you have the following tremendous advantages over the company that brings you the daily newspapers simply by running your own E-zine!

• You do not have to invest millions of dollars and a ton of effort into your E-zine as opposed to newspaper companies.
Starting your own E-zine is practically free to low-cost.
• You do not need to worry about delivering of your E-zine to your readers on time when every issue is ready.
Using an Auto Responder with Broadcast feature, you can send your E-zine issue to hundreds, maybe thousands of your subscribers at the click of a button.
• With the leverage of the Internet, your E-zine can be your personal paperless newsletter that can reach to as many people as you wish.
Thus starting your own mailing list is in your reach. Not everyone can start a newspaper company, but everyone sure can start his own E-zine!

Page 3 | The Concept

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Make Money With Mailing List | Page 1


• Create your own successful E-zine (or newsletter) where your subscribers are interested in what you have to say, and they have every darn good reason to listen to you.

With so many E-zines out there, you have to have an edge of your own.

Forget the “standing out of the crowd” mentality.

Because not only it is nearly impossible, I think that getting people to listen to what you have to say is more important, having looked that each of us can easily subscribe to any E-zine of our choice at the click of the button for free.

In this guide, I show you how you can have your own “fan club” or “cult” and they are definitely better than having just any sort of mailing list, because you would have people take your words rather than from someone else, even though the messages may be similar.
• Make your money from several ways possible with your mailing list!

I describe to you several ways on how you can make your money from your E-zine (your E-zine IS your mailing list).

No, there are more ways of making your money other than just sending out regular endorsements to another product or service, though that is one good way of making your profits in a short period of time, and I mean literally hours from the moment you send out an endorsement letter.
• Get targeted subscribers into your mailing list by the truckloads!

How you can get subscribers whether you have a lot of money or not using ingenious concepts, some of them which you might have not even thought of!

You will also discover how you can find out your subscriber needs and if the subscribers are really your prospects in the first place without having to pay for a survey!
• Get repeat customers.

You cannot get far with just one sale from one person.
I also show you how you can get more sales from the same group of customers just by making them feel special about your next offer!
• Create a system that does most of the chores for you!

I do not need to have a crystal ball to tell that one of the main reasons you want to start an Internet Business is that you want to have more time and more money.
In this guide, I reveal the entire blueprint to a simple but powerful system that can be responsible for making sales for you while sparing you the time to do most of the unnecessary tasks!

Page 2 | Why Have a Mailing List?

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Get Access Token 2014

Drag the bookmarklet link above into your bookmark bar, Go to https://www.facebook.com/ and then click the bookmarklet to open the interface. Watch the video at http://youtu.be/jcwGMmpqLOo
A bookmarklet is a bookmark stored in a web browser that contains JavaScript commands to extend the browser's functionality.

The Source Code

Invite All Friends On Fans Page Facebook in On Click

Drag and drop The Bookmarklet below into Your Browser Bookmark Bar.
A bookmarklet is a bookmark stored in a web browser that contains JavaScript commands to extend the browser's functionality.

The Source Code

Monday, April 21, 2014

Invite All Friends To a Group Facebook in One Click

Drag and drop The Bookmarklet below into Your Browser Bookmark Bar.
A bookmarklet is a bookmark stored in a web browser that contains JavaScript commands to extend the browser's functionality.

The Source Code

Poke All Facebook Friends in One Click

Drag and drop The Bookmarklet below into Your Browser Bookmark Bar.
With This Tool You Can Now Poke All Facebook Friends in One Click ... Easy with Creations Tools
A bookmarklet is a bookmark stored in a web browser that contains JavaScript commands to extend the browser's functionality.

The Source Code

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Add 5000 Friends on Facebook Daily

If you are a Facebook Friend Adding Maniac then you are well suited to use this tool. This tool will help you quench the thirst of an irresistible impulse to send a friend request on Facebook :D ( meuni lieur bahasana oge :P )

When you first start out to use these tools, and have never had getting a reprimand from Facebook about excessive requests before. Then you shouldn't be surprised when you suddenly get a warning message like below..

This is normal, 'cause as you already know that Facebook has so many rules and all rules are sucks :D So Get used to it.

Click the button below to start whenever you are ready. Use it with your own risk!
Facebook Friend Adder
Welcome to Friends Adder!
Close Go Back Check My Friends Count Now Watch Video Get Token Load Token